Lachlan Hay has defeated close friend and housemate Jeremy Beck in the battle for Australia’s one male short track speed skating berth at the Vancouver Winter Olympics.
Hay outskated Beck in a time trial, covering the 1000m distance two seconds faster than his AIS/OWI team-mate, then came out on top in a head to head match race to clinch the Games position.
“I’m over the moon,” Hay said after the event.
“That’s a huge weight off my shoulders. I feel really bad for Jeremy, but I’m just relieved that it’s over.”
The two skaters have shared a house in Brisbane for the past four years, and are great friends.
Although obviously disappointed, Beck was quick to offer his congratulations.
“I wish Lachlan all the best at the Games. As for me, I think I’ll take a bit of a break from the sport now and focus on my apprenticeship (in the aviation industry).”
Tatiana Borodulina has also qualified Australian places at the Games in the women’s 500m, 1000m and 1500m.