AOC: AOC President John Coates has been invited to appear before the Royal Commission into child abuse to outline the AOC's strict child protection policies in place.
The AOC encourages member sports to adopt those policies. They include a requirement by the AOC for all officials and associate officials, including coaches, to obtain a satisfactory working with children clearance prior to their appointment to the 2016 Australian Olympic Team in Rio.
This clearance is in addition to the completion of a statutory declaration regarding anti-doping matters, and signing their Team Membership Agreement which requires the disclosure of certain conduct, and compliance with the AOC Ethical Behaviour By-Law.
The AOC is ensuring the implementation of these policies to create a child-safe environment in Rio - relating to the mental and physical welfare of minors.
John Coates has led the way in child protection and he will appear before the Royal Commission in April.
He said today “ it is vital that we properly safeguard our athletes and uphold the behavioural standards required of an Australian Olympic Team member”.