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Aussie athletes react to AOC statement - #TokyoTogether


Aussie athletes react to AOC statement - #TokyoTogether

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Maria Fe Artacho Del Solar

AOC CEO Matt Carroll announced yesterday that due to the unprecedented effects of COVID-19, the Australian Olympic Committee would not be fielding a Team for Tokyo 2020, and the support of athletes, National Federations and fans alike embodied the true meaning of the Olympic Spirit.

WATCH / Tokyo Together in 2021

Although disheartened, the Australian athlete community was overwhelmingly supportive of the news, which places athlete, sport, fan and community safety above all else.




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People around the world have had life as they know it completely shaken and replaced with uncertainty and questions. It is now our turn, as Olympic athletes, for our world to be flipped upside down. In the short time since the news the Tokyo Olympics Games will be postponed, I have ridden not just a rollercoaster but the entire theme park of emotions. I am devastated for myself, my team, Australian athletes and all those striving to compete at the Tokyo Olympics around the world. I was shocked when the postponement became a reality but at the same time, I am not surprised. I feel lost. I am overwhelmed with questions and thoughts of everyone impacted by the pandemic. This is unprecedented and the uncertainty can be overwhelming. Please reach out for help it you need it. I am relieved. Athletes around the world will now have the chance at a proper preparation and the Olympics can, on whatever date they are held, continue to be a coming together of the world's best at their best. I feel love from my team and from all your messages of support. Thank you, it really means a lot. Our Olympic dream is not over, just on hold right now. 💚💛 Stay safe and well. Look after your mental health, practice social distancing, wash your hands. We can curb the spread, protect each other, get through this together. #Olympics2021 #dreamliveson #washyourhands #spreadlove @waterpoloaus @ausolympicteam

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Here’s to the 2021 Olympics. Stay safe everyone x

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🌏The last 24hours in Australia have seen many developments. Our prime minister issued a lockdown which will undoubtedly have adverse affects on many businesses and industries, including gyms and sporting centres. But after seeing how Australia as a nation can come together to support each other as we did with the bushfires, it’s time for Australia to come together (not literally) again and take this seriously and listen to our guidelines on distancing and socialising. This is crucial in where our country ends up and whether we can be a nation that can #flattenthecurve and bounce back or one that causes our healthcare system to collapse. 🏸@ausolympicteam has supported a postponement of the Olympic Games, putting the health of athletes, their families and importantly the public first. It was great to be able to voice our view as an athlete to the AOC and know that they took on board our thoughts and concerns. Despite the Olympics being every athletes dream and biggest goal, the greatest sporting event in the world wouldn’t be the same without athletes being able to perform at their best and due to so many athletes facing difficulties in terms of training, access to facilities and postponed and cancelled qualification events now is not the time for the worlds greatest show, it’s time for the world to put its focus on its greatest fight yet. Instead of countries coming together to cheer their athletes lets unite against and beat the virus! The next few weeks the International Olympic Committee will provide more information on a potential postponement til 2021 🙏🏼🙌🏻 Wishing everyone a safe journey to humanities recovery 🌱🌏 #staysafe #staysane #stayhealthy #TokyoTogether

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The IOC have said that they have stepped up scenario-planning and will make a decision on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games within four weeks, as of Sunday 22nd March 2020.