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Paris 2024 - Olympics & Paralympics Live logo


Olympics & Paralympics LIVE provides Australian communities with the opportunity to gather together and watch the Olympic and Paralympic Games LIVE on Nine. 

Whether at live sites or local watch parties, Olympics & Paralympics LIVE welcomes sports clubs of Olympic and Paralympic sports, schools, universities, community groups and municipal governments to share the spirit of the Paris 2024 Games.

Olympics & Paralympics LIVE is a free offer from the Australian Olympic Committee and Paralympics Australia, with the support from Nine and Brisbane 2032.

Olympic Games: 26 July to 11 August | Paralympic Games: 28 August to 8 September

#AllezAUS | #ImagineWhatWeCanDo

Olympics and Paralympics LIVE Locations

Olympics & Paralympics Live 2024

Competition Schedules - Paris 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games

Click below to view sport-by-sport schedules for the Olympic & Paralympic Games. Click through to a sport and toggle between Paris timezone or your timezone.

Time Difference - Paris v Australia

  • ACT, NSW, QLD, TAS, VIC: 8 hours ahead
  • NT, SA: 7.5 hours ahead
  • WA: 6 hours ahead 

Experience the Olympics & Paralympics Live

Icon_Share the Games


Icon - Cheer on Team


Icon_Dress in Green and Gold


Icon_Get inspired


Bring your community together

  • Major cities
  • Local councils
  • Sporting clubs
  • Sports facilities (e.g. Sports Centres)
  • Workplace
  • Community groups
  • Schools
  • Universities
Green & Gold

How To Host Your Own Olympics & Paralympics Live Event

  1. REGISTER your interest below in hosting a Olympic & Paralympic LIVE watch party (in person or virtual) and sign the event agreement
  2. DOWNLOAD resources from your LIVE toolkit, including social media assets, competition calendars, promotional material, exclusive sponsor offers and advice for hosting a great event.
  3. PLAN your event - we have some helpful tips in the FAQs section below. Think about including #HaveAGo or other fun ways to get your community enjoying Olympic & Paralympic sports
  4. SHARE your event details with us closer to the Games so we can keep you up to date and potentially generate some media interest
  5. Go LIVE!

Register Your Interest Now

#AllezAUS | #ImagineWhatWeCanDO