‘Green & Gold Day’ is for everyone. The athletes, the fans, the businesses, the schools, the young, the old and everything in between. It doesn’t matter who you are, your sporting ability or your background, we believe sport has the power to unite us all.
This day is about painting the country in our national colours and being proud of Australia’s sporting achievements, it’s about all Australians coming together and celebrating the green and gold.
Australia’s most iconic landmarks will be lighting up Green & Gold through the night of Thursday 1 August in support of the Paris 2024 August Olympic Team, and we invite you to get a snap.
Find your nearest landmark, take a selfie and post on social media with the tags @AUSOlympicTeam and #AllezAUS ahead of Green & Gold Day on Friday 2 August
The Australian Olympic Committee acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this nation.
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of all the lands on which we are located. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past and present.
We celebrate and honour all of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Olympians.
The Australian Olympic Committee is committed to honouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society and sport.
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